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7 Things You Need to Fully Master the Astral Projection

Producing astral projections at will can be challenging. Even though this is a natural phenomenon, you may need to improve some aspects if you want to fully master the astral projection.

To help you identify which area you need to work more on, I list below the seven things you need to gain control over to have willful out-of-body experiences.

They are in a progressive sequence to support you to recognize with ease if any of them is hindering the development of the subsequent ones.

Sometimes a single key aspect you are lacking may be responsible for your failure in mastering the astral projection. In turn, this means that if you improve the aspect you are missing, you will raise drastically your chances to succeed on producing the out-of-body experience at will.

The seven key aspects are:

1. Energy looseness and activation

chakra energy body

Unblocking your chakras and loosening up your energy are vital to those who wish to trigger the separation of the astral body at will.

Your chakras and your energy field compose an energetic interface between your physical body and your astral body. Therefore, the looser your energy is, the better chances we have of disconnecting from the physical body at will.

In some instances, the ideal energetic condition happens spontaneously. Nonetheless, you can learn techniques to control your energetic interface. They will empower you to apply the appropriate energy technique to bring about the result you are looking for.

2. Deep relaxation

relaxation for astral projection

You must know how to relax well. You should be able to reach a point of relaxation in which you can no longer sense your body or your breathing.

When you feel relaxed but are still aware of your physical body, this can make it harder for you to be able to focus exclusively on your astral body.

3. Lucidity with reduced brain activity

brain astral projection

You need to establish and maintain a perfect balance of your brain activity and your awareness. In other words, you need to learn how to allow your brain activity to reduce and bring your brain waves down, while you remain lucid.

This can be trained. So, assess how you do in this respect

4. Suitable technique

technique astral projection

With time, you will know how you react to each phase of the astral projection, which, in turn, will enable you to choose the appropriate projective technique for you.

There are many categories of techniques to leave the body, and the reason for this is that none works for everyone. Therefore, you need to know yourself and the workings of the technique you pick so that you have better chances to succeed.

5. Getting used to the sensations

astral projection sensations

Give yourself time to get used to the sensations that may happen when the disconnection from the physical body starts. Sensations may vary largely.

There are dozens of different sensations that astral projectors often report. Some may be more common to you, but bear in mind they will always vary. Each projection is different and each day you experience it, it will develop in different ways. Therefore, you have to be prepared for unexpected sensations.

In addition, you have to get especially used to those that are more common to you. In this way, whenever they happen, it will not take you out of your state of mind, physical relaxation, and overall balance and focus. Hence, you need to reach a point in which you allow yourself to sense whatever sensation comes, without disturbing the process.

6. Absence of fear or apprehension

fearless dog astral travel

This is number 6 because it is when you feel the precursory sensations of leaving the body that you may realize you still have conditioning or fear. Bear in mind that they can be conscious or subconscious.

Therefore, you have here the opportunity to identify if you have any fear of the astral projection. In case you do, find its cause, study the subject, and plan exercises to help you overcome it. An expert mentor or coach may be able to help you find its roots and devise customized strategies.

Any fear or conditioning will block your capacity to master the astral projection. This is why some projectors fail at the last phases, noticing they are close, but cannot complete the take-off.

7. Surrender to the experience

astral projection

Here comes the most critical point, which is to let go and surrender to the experience. You should not hold or exert excessive control in this phase.

There will come a moment in which you are semi-disconnected from your physical body and aware of some energy sensations. This means the process is developing and the energetic interface between your physical and astral bodies is loosen.

However, you may end up exerting excessive control at the instant of completely detaching from the body, which will cause you to failing at the last stage.

Your inner posture should be appropriate to this phase of the projection. Make sure you are not tense, eager or too observant; otherwise, you end up interfering with the non-alignment of the bodies.

Therefore, if you are not experienced in producing the conscious disconnection of the astral body, the best is not to interfere and just let it happen as it would. With time, you will be able to identify how each specific astral projection is developing. Consequently, you will know how to be more proactive in the exact moment of the separation of the bodies.

Going further

to-do list for astral projection

These are the seven things you need to fully master the astral projection. Make sure you have trained and developed them. Of course, if you realize you are missing any of them, you will then know what exactly you need to work more on.

For a full-length course which covers all these aspects and includes practical training and specialized support, I recommend the Consciousness Development Program.

By Nanci Trivellato
Researcher and author

Watch my TEDx Talk “How out-of-body experiences could transform yourself and society”

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