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-Fatima Rebelo

For as long as I can remember, I have longed for a technique or strategy that would help me become energetically strong. Over the years, I've come to realized just how much my family's energy was impacting my overall well-being. I even noticed changes in my heart rate and struggled to get a good night's sleep. I often would wake up during the night feeling uneasy, sometimes even sensing movements in my bed, or hearing inexplicable noises in the room. However, in the last year, since I took the Energy Force Field program, I have been feeling much stronger mentally and emotionally. One of the important triumphs for me was being able to use what I learned in the program to positively influence my younger brother, who had distanced himself from me and my mother. Only two months after I started applying the energy techniques I learned in the course with the intention of helping him, he began getting closer to us again. Today, I consider myself strong and able to commit to my evolution. I seek to do the best for myself and everyone I encounter, in a lucid and detached way, without beliefs or fantasies."