What can be a greater honor and pleasure for an author than seeing the readers grateful, enthusiastic, and interested in learning more about her studies? I think this is the top of the gifts and that was what I experienced, with great joy, in the launching of the 3rd Edition of my book.
It took place at Espaço Fit in the high-end Paulista Gardens area (Jardim Paulista), in São Paulo. The book signing session was splendid, as I had the opportunity to talk to everyone. I feel I got to know them all.
In this 3rd Edition of the book I worked to make the language lighter, with a minimum of technical terms, so as to allow a more fluid reading. Albeit more readable, the content remains deep and comprehensive, as I like to do.
True knowledge must be shared in its completeness.
That was my motto during the writing of the book. Readers can ignore the parts they do not need, but when they do, they cannot guess the information if it has not been given to them. So, when it comes to knowledge, more is always better.
As soon as the current stages of my research are advanced, I will work on the English version “Vibrational State and Energy Resonance” to reach the same goal in readability.