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Sound Perceptions in Astral Projection vs Tinnitus

Today, I’d like to delve into an essential aspect concerning conscious astral projections: the perception of sounds during the separation of the astral body and how to distinguish them from tinnitus, which is a persistent noise in your ears.

The sounds heard during the astral body’s takeoff are technically referred to as intracranial sounds.

Hearing sounds can be a common indicator of separation from the body for some of you. However, in some cases, it can also be a result of tinnitus (persistent noises in your ears). Distinguishing between them can be challenging. To help with this distinction, I’d like to share some insights.

Identifying Tinnitus and Sounds of Astral Body Separation
  1. Pay attention to the accompanying sensations and experiences. Before an astral projection, you may experience a simultaneous sensation of lightness, a decrease in awareness of the physical body, a sense of detachment from it, or a shift in consciousness.
  2. Tinnitus typically lacks the indicators mentioned above and is usually noticed whenever you pay attention to it or are in silent environments.
  3. Occurrences of sounds such as roaring, booming, hissing, buzzing, and similar noises, coinciding with sleep periods during which you experience lucid dreams, significant dreams, and astral travels, suggest that the noise is related to the OBE rather than tinnitus.
  4. Tinnitus tends to worsen after air travel, when exposed to loud environments, during periods of elevated blood pressure, or when taking specific medications known to exacerbate it.

The prevalence of tinnitus increases with age or when individuals have been exposed to aggravating factors. Therefore, if this applies to you, it is even more important to differentiate the constant sound heard in your ears from the distinct sounds perceived “inside your head” during the stages of separation from the body.

I hope this information brings clarity to your out-of-body experiences (OBE). If you have any questions or would like to delve into related topics further, I invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel. You can also join me for a live talk, where we can engage in direct conversation.

P.S.: If you are seeking a truly substantiated, yet accessible, exploration of OBEs, spiritual evolution, and mastery of energy, I highly recommend considering IAC’s acclaimed, award-winning Consciousness Development Program. As a special offer, you can enjoy a 30% discount by using the coupon code NANCIEN-22.


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